Feeling into the wrong story … it’s not a depressive thought. It’s all about learning how to say … “Good bye … for ever!”  … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru





I saw many people … feeling into the wrong story.

And i had this feeling also … many, many times into my life.

Today … having a clue … what is it about … i start first of all to meditate … why i have such a feeling.

And somehow the feeling is metamorphosed… later on.

I feel that the depressive thought … fades.

Of course … it does not disappear completely … but … what was a very ugly vibe … becomes a simple annoying one.

Life continues … but …

But … but … but …

Next day … the feeling reappears again.

And there are days …. when it’s such an aggressive feeling …

Next month … still live with the weird thought of being into the wrong story.

Few months later … also …

Then … even years later … the feeling disappear and reappear … again and again.

It is what i should define …. as a karmic message … but still …. It gives us such depressive thoughts.


We feel … at the wrong job.

… near the wrong friends.

… in the wrong love story … or the wrong marriage.

Everything is … just … wrong.

I write those things … and i remember having one million times this …. depressive thought … which i totally disliked.

But one question came into my mind … what if i should actually redefine such a weird perception about my reality … from depressive to … a weird signal which is whispering myself … that is time to change my life …. and say “Good bye … forever!” to all those people which i disliked … on the scene of my life?!

What if the depressive feeling … i am not into the wrong movie … was about … the change i had to do with myself.

Somehow the concept about … depression …. became a positive element into my life …. having deep motivational impact … for my own soul.

It was actually … the gateway to …. change … and why not … to happiness.





Download the book ”Depression ... the gateway to the real happinesswritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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